
  • Gem Diamonds has announced the recovery of an exceptional 172.06ct Type II white rough diamond, the seventh 100+ct diamond recovered at its Letšeng mine this year alone. 

  • Gem Diamonds, who owns 70% of the Letšeng mine in Lesotho, has released its Q1 2024 Trading Update, which showcases robust operational and sales performances from January 1st to March 31st, 2024.


    Key Highlights from Q1: 

  • Clifford Elphick, CEO of GEM Diamonds said in an announcement on Thursday (March 16) that market volatility caused by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia contributed to a decline in diamond prices. GEM achieved an average selling price of $1,755 per carat compared to $1,835 per carat in 2021. Though he remains overall optimistic regarding the mine’s capacity to rebound during the 2023 fiscal year.

    They reported a 31% decline in attributable profit for the 12 months ended December 12 of $10.2m compared to $14.8m in the previous financial year.

  • Gem Diamonds has recovered another 114ct rough at the Letšeng Lesotho mine, just a month after the discovery of a 245ct Type II white, the fourth 100ct+ stone in the past two months. 

  • Barely two weeks after the discoveries of a 129ct and a 125ct, Gem Diamonds has added another rare find to the Lesotho Letšeng list, a 245ct white Type II white rough of exceptional quality. 

  • Gem Diamonds announced it has recovered a 125ct top white diamond at the Letšeng mine in Lesotho. Since 2006, the Lesotho mine, famed for its rough diamonds of exceptional sizes and quality, yielded more than 60 100+ct stones, 16 last year alone, six this year-to-date.